Bruha Bee left the Philippines at a young age and since then, she had lost her fluency in speaking Tagalog. Saging Puso is a mixture of different phrases from old Filipino movies from which Bruha Bee has chosen to try and reconnect to her culture and express her own narrative.
Bruha Bee’s sound is ever changing to match the flavour of the current times and a reflection of what it is to exist in many cultures simultaneously.
Bruha is witch or sorceress in Tagalog (language in the Philippines) and honours the sacred feminine and dances between chaos and order. Illustrated through broad brushstrokes of polyrhythms and unconventional chord progressions in electronic music Bruha Bee delves into the depths of migration, homesickness, transformation, and an ode to nature.
Nue was born from Melbourne’s lockdowns and the need to fly far away to make something beautiful and creative with friends. Bruha Bee recorded Nue in Melbourne, before flying to collaborate with film maker, Liza Porte in Paris.

Harmonious vocals ride arpeggiated synth waves delving into the depths of love and life lost.
“Give You The Stars is the kind of tune you can’t rip your attention away from” – Happy Mag